Law for Community Workers
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Support and challenge men to stick to an AVO (Part 1 of 2)
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
This is the first episode of a two part series where we talk about how men who use violence can be supported and challenged to change their behaviour and when they are more likely to stick to an Apprehended Violence Order.
We see men who use violence changing their behaviour as an important part of reducing domestic violence.
In this episode we talk to Jacqui (CEO) and Mike (counsellor) from No to Violence, an organisation that seeks to end male violence.
Use the links below to find out more information about what we talked about in this episode:
Got an AVO? How to stick to your order - Legal Aid NSW – you can order a copy of this as a brochure by going to the Legal Aid NSW publications website here: Factsheets and resources - Legal Aid NSW
You can also look at a series of animations here that has been created by the Cooperative Legal Services Delivery Program about How to Stick to Your Order - YouTube
We also wanted to link you to the Premiers Priority to Reduce DV Reoffending, the ENGAGE program and AVOW app in show notes, and give you some useful contact details:
The Men’s Telephone Counselling and Referral Service is a toll-free number available across NSW, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is staffed by trained counsellors who support male callers to take responsibility for their abusive behaviour and end the violence against their family and refers callers to men’s behaviour change programs or other service providers for longer-term support. You can visit their website here.
Phone : 1300 766 491
MensLine Australia is the national telephone support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. MensLine Australia can also provide referrals to face-to-face counselling and support services.
Phone: 1300 78 99 78
Brother to Brother is a 24-hour crisis line for Aboriginal men staffed by Aboriginal men. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 435 799
Editing by Tiffany Dimmack from Audiocraft.
Please send questions, comments and feedback to:
Disclaimer: This podcast is a general guide to the law. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We recommend that you talk to a lawyer about any particular situation. The information is correct at the time of publishing but it may change. For more information, start with our team at LawAccess NSW via webchat at or on 1300 888 529.
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Technology facilitated domestic violence
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Call to action!
Tell us what you really think of 'Law for Community Workers on the go' - help this resource grow and improve.
This podcast discusses technology-facilitated domestic violence and abuse. This is when abuse is perpetrated through the internet, social media and mobile devices.
This podcast aims to help community workers and domestic and family violence workers:
identify legal problems related to technology facilitated domestic violence
make early legal referrals, and
help clients to use technology safely.
Referrals and further information
Women's domestic violence court advocacy service
Legal Aid NSW Domestic Violence Unit
1800 RESPECT tech tips for increasing security
Look after yourself
Some of our topics may contain sensitive or confronting content. We want this to be a safe space for listeners. Please check the topic and description of the podcast before you tune in. If you need support there are services that can help:
Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636)
Lifeline (13 11 14).
Disclaimer: This podcast is a general guide to the law. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We recommend that you talk to a lawyer about any particular situation. The information is correct at the time of publishing but it may change. For more information, start with our team at LawAccess NSW via webchat at or on 1300 888 529.