Monday Apr 08, 2019
Our rights when we buy goods and services – what’s new?
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Consumer law deals with your rights when you buy goods and services. In this episode we learn about:
- How common consumer law issues are
- What your clients can do if they’ve had a bad experience with Vocation and Education Training (VET) Student loans.
- Fair Trading’s new powers – sometimes Fair Trading can order a business to repair a good, replace a good or pay you money
- Where did the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), Credit and Investments Ombudsman (CIO) and the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT) go? They’ve all been replaced by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
- We also touch on a few other things such as payday loans, basic consumer law rights and how to refer your clients for free legal advice that hopefully you and your clients will find useful!
You can call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 for free legal information and referrals or visit their website
You can see where your closest Legal Aid NSW office
You can visit the Australian Financial Complaints Authority’s website or call them on 1800 931 678.
You can visit Fair Trading NSW’s website or call them on 13 32 20.
Disclaimer: This podcast is a general guide to the law. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We recommend that you talk to a lawyer about any particular situation. The information is correct at the time of publishing but it may change. For more information, start with our team at LawAccess NSW via webchat at or on 1300 888 529.
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