Friday Apr 27, 2018
Got a subpoena? Stop. Think. Protect.
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Got a subpoena? Stop. Think. Protect.
In this podcast we discuss:
- how to respond when you are served with a subpoena
- top tips for dealing with subpoenas
- what the Sexual Assault Communications Privilege (SACP) is, and how is this relevant for your clients (it might be more relevant than you think)
- the SACP Service at Legal Aid NSW and how they can help you and your clients.
Referrals and more information
- You can find more information about subpoenas and the Sexual Assault Communications Privilege:
- on the Legal Aid NSW website
- in the Legal Aid NSW and Women’s Legal Service publication called The Subpoena Survival Guide. Hard copies of this guide can be ordered for free through the Legal Aid NSW publications
- Contact us at or call (02) 9219 5888 to:
- refer a client
- make an enquiry, or
- book a legal workshop about the topics discussed in this podcast for your staff or organisation.
- Disclaimer: This podcast is a general guide to the law. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We recommend that you talk to a lawyer about any particular situation. The information is correct at the time of publishing but it may change. For more information, start with our team at LawAccess NSW via webchat at or on 1300 888 529.
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