Monday May 21, 2018
Elder abuse: if you suspect something―call us
Call to action!
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PLEASE NOTE: The elder abuse helpline is now with the Ageing and Disability Commission. The phone number is the same 1800 628 221.
In this podcast we discuss:
- what elder abuse is
- who are the main abusers of older people
- what type of abuse older people experience
- how the NSW Elder Abuse Helpline &Resource Unit works with community workers
- how Legal Aid NSW can help older people who may be victims of elder abuse.
Referrals and more information
To find more information about elder abuse:
- Ageing and Disability commission
- check out the NSW Department of Justice Capacity Toolkit
- visit the Legal Aid NSW website to view our Legal issues for Older People You can order hard copies of these brochures for free on the Legal Aid NSW publications page.
Contact to book a legal workshop about the topics discussed in this podcast for your staff or organisation.
Version: 20240731