Friday Dec 06, 2019
shortcut - Robodebt
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What is it and where to go for help?
- Centrelink — How to deal with debt information
- Centrelink compliance division — call: 1800 086 400 Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
- Centrelink repayments division — call: 1800 076 072 Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
- Gordon Legal — Register your interest
- Visit the Legal Aid NSW website to find a local civil law advice service.
- Legal Aid NSW social security service
- Welfare Rights Centre
- Call LawAccess NSW 1300 888 529
Disclaimer: This podcast is a general guide to the law. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We recommend that you talk to a lawyer about any particular situation. The information is correct at the time of publishing but it may change. For more information, start with our team at LawAccess NSW via webchat at or on 1300 888 529.
Version: 20241125