Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
The Prisoners Legal Service
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In this episode we interview Anisa who is the civil lawyer with the Legal Aid NSW Prisoners Legal Service. Anisa talks to us about the types of legal problems they assist prisoners with, the various forms of assistance provided by Legal Aid lawyers and what other assistance they provide. This includes taking referrals from family members and community workers who are trying to help prisoners deal with legal problems that can result from going into custody.
For more information:
- About the Legal Aid NSW Prisoners Legal Service
- Prisoners Legal Information Portal – Corrective Services NSW Portal
- Community Restorative Centre – support services and resources for family members of prisoners
- Prisoners Aid NSW – providing practical help to inmates, ex-inmates and their families
- Women’s Justice Network – committed to advancing the prospects and wellbeing of women affected by the criminal justice system
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) Policing and Detention projects – making NSW systems of detention fairer
- NSW Legal Assistance Forum Prisoners Forum – a platform for organisations in the NSW justice sector to work together in a cooperative and collaborative manner to address access to justice and legal needs of prisoners in NSW.
Disclaimer: This podcast is a general guide to the law. You should not rely on it as legal advice. We recommend that you talk to a lawyer about any particular situation. The information is correct at the time of publishing but it may change. For more information, start with our team at LawAccess NSW via webchat at or on 1300 888 529.