3 days ago
‘Til the violence ends – Episode 3: Macarthur Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service
This is the third episode in our podcast series exploring domestic violence in Australia. We will explore the legal issues people experience, the services available to provide support and speak to a wide range of people working in the sector.
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands on which this episode was made and pay our respects to Elders past and present.
In this episode, Pauline from the Community Legal Education branch speaks to Tanya Whitehouse, coordinator of Macarthur Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS). They discuss the role of WDVCAS in supporting women affected by domestic violence.
Link to the DVSAT tool via Communities and Justice: Domestic Violence Safety Assessment Tool | Family & Community Services
Links to support services for people experiencing domestic and family violence are below.
- 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 – a free and confidential national counselling service for sexual assault and domestic and family violence. 1800respect.org.au
- 1800 656 463 NSW Domestic Violence Line–free, confidential counselling and referrals for women experiencing domestic and family violence.
- 1800 424 017 for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, recently or in the past, also for family members professionals and others impacted.
- 1800 943 539 – 24/7 sexual, domestic and family violence helpline for anyone whose life has been impacted by domestic or family violence.
- 1800 385 578 - Full Stop Australia – provides counselling for people whose lives have been impacted by violence and abuse. fullstop.org.au
- 1800 211 028 – 24/7 for adult survivors of childhood institutional sexual abuse. Helping anyone accessing the Redress scheme or alternative compensation.
- 13 92 76 – 13 YARN – 24/7 support for mob feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping. 13yarn.org.au
- Well Mob - wellmob.org.au social, emotional and cultural wellbeing online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- 1800 497 212 – A free, confidential service available 24/7 for anyone from the LGBTQI+ community whose life has been impacted by sexual, domestic and/or family violence.
- Say it out loud - sayitoutloud.org.au a national service for LGBTQ+ communities and service professionals working with people who have experienced sexual, domestic and/or family violence
- 1300 766 491 – 7 days pw service for anyone in Australia whose life has been impacted by men’s use of violence or abusive behaviours.
Useful websites:
Our Watch | Quick facts about violence against women
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre: support and resources
Family and domestic violence - Services Australia
Music: What a day by bhzimmy
Download the transcript
Please send questions, comments and feedback to cle@legalaid.nsw.gov.au